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Day 16 Art journal challenge + Being present in the moment

Day 16 Art journal challenge + Being present in the moment

We are midway through the month of our October art journal series and I hope that you have been enjoying these prompts. Today I would like to pause and gather in a moment of mindfulness for this Day 16 journal page. 

If you are like me then you may have some special art supplies tucked away somewhere that you are saving for a future page not yet created, maybe you are hesitant in trying out a new art style or medium and this is why you haven’t used these materials yet, or perhaps there is a pretty dress in your closet that you want to reserve for special occasions only.

There was a no hoard sticker challenge that was shared within the planner community recently and I really enjoyed the notion of not saving that which you love for some far off future date. 

Create a journal page with self love and a no hoarding theme by taking your prettiest art supplies and collaging them together so they are put to use on a page. If you aren’t someone who saves stationery and ephemera for future use, then you can illustrate, write about or collage anything that you own that is valuable to you that you normally don’t reach for daily and why. 

Being present and living mindfully each day for me means appreciating all the lovely things in my life and putting them to use so that my family and I may enjoy them. For if not now, then when? You deserve to eat off of your fancy dishes, or to light that special candle. Do something indulgent for yourself even if it is as simple as having a small square of chocolate after dinner. 

Share your art journal entries and tag them #wildthorneoctober so that I may see them and comment. May your evening be peaceful and serene.