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Day 6 Art journal challenge - Intuitive sketch and painting

Day 6 Art journal challenge - Intuitive sketch and painting

Sunday’s are a day of alignment and self care for my family. It is the one day of the week where everyone gets a free pass to do what they wish. We try to complete all of our chores during the rest of the work week so that on Sunday everyone has the opportunity to restore themselves. 

In the spirit of this freedom today’s art journal prompt for #wildthorneoctober is to sketch and paint freely. You can paint a new page in your art journal using whatever colors you wish, or sketch on top of yesterday’s gradient exercise as I have done. 

I saw a feathered aspect in the natural mineral flow of our Abricot paint and turned them into small faery wings with a pencil following the outlines created naturally in my swatch. Then by adding in a soft wash of our Sun Gold watercolor on top, I also created small dots of beading within the wings. I used a white gel pen to add in a decorative starry element in the corner. 

You can also free paint intuitively and create an abstract expression of your current feelings and emotions, or a representation of something around you. Here was a tangle of sea kelp that I saw on the seashore from a past notebook. 

If you are painting a new page allow it to dry thoroughly and then study the natural forms and shapes that may emerge from your sketch. This is easier to do with natural mineral watercolors as the minerals themselves will form unusual patterns if you allow them to disperse naturally. If you are using factory based paints wet your page thoroughly before beginning and drop in pools of your watercolor to see what arises.  

By using a collage of layering elements you can see the transformation of how these journal techniques can come together to create something entirely new. 

I’ve pasted my gradient swatch that has been sketched upon into my notebook and painted my reference watercolor swatches on top, (this was our Day 3 activity), I then added on a scrap of parchment paper with a rubber stamp image of a hand in the bottom corner. There is also a fragment of floral foiled wisteria washi tape and a tiny bouquet of a flower sprig. 


If you are not using watercolors then free sketch in your journal using acrylic paints, crayons, pastels or colored pencils. Sketching provides us the opportunity to use the connective pathways from our mind, arms and hands to create gestures on the page. Make yours fluid and flowing, if you are not satisfied with your results it is ok, keep practicing and maybe choose a different subject that has no resistance within it. 

Your sketch should feel loose and free as these journal prompts are meant to be completed within 5 minutes or less. 

Don’t forget to turn back to your positive aspects page daily and fill in something that you appreciated from your day. You can either write this in or illustrate and or collage it. 

I am seeing so many wonderful interpretations of our journal challenge. A warm welcome to all who are joining in, it is never too late to start from where you are. Please don’t forget to tag your art journal pages #wildthorneoctober so that I can see them, these also qualify you for entry into our giveaway at the end of month for a palette of our handcrafted watercolors along with stationery supplies from my personal collection.

The friendships and warmth being exchanged on Instagram in comments and shares have been uplifting. I am unfortunately not able to comment back to responses here on this blog for some reason, but I am actively engaging on Instagram post shares and appreciate your kindness and support in participating. 

Happy Sunday friends. May you feel rested and nourished today.